2022 年 OSI 理事会选举结果
投票已结束,结果已出炉。祝贺当选的理事:Pamela Chestek、Carlo Piana、Josh Berkus 和 Amanda Brock。
Pamela Chestek 已获得确认,并与 Carlo Piana 一同成为附属组织选出的理事。Josh Berkus 和 Amanda Brock 获得了个人会员的投票。
OSI 感谢所有通过投票和向候选人提问参与 2022 年理事会选举的人。我们还要向所有参与竞选的人表示最诚挚的感谢。每年,OSI 都很荣幸能有来自开源软件社区的杰出候选人站出来支持 OSI 的工作,并推进 OSI 的使命。2022 年的被提名者再次令人瞩目:他们是来自各个领域和技术的专家,拥有在开源社区工作中获得的各种技能和经验。OSI 很荣幸将每位候选人都纳入我们 2022 年的选举。
我们还要感谢和表彰即将离任 OSI 理事会的 Josh Simmons、Megan Byrd-Sanicki 和 Italo Vignoli。我们希望整个开源软件社区与我们一起感谢他们的服务和领导。由于他们的贡献和奉献,OSI 和开源软件运动变得更加美好,我们感谢他们。
董事会将于 3 月 31 日之前召开会议,以正式确定选举结果。新任董事会成员将应邀参加一系列入职会议,以了解组织的内部工具,熟悉组织的使命、愿景和战略。并相互了解以及认识工作人员。
2022 年 OSI 附属理事选举
有 8 位候选人竞选 2 个席位。选民人数为 31 人,有效票数为 31 票,空票数为 0 票。
Counting votes using Scottish STV.
R|Pamela Ches|Carlo Piana|Matt Jarvis|George DeMe|Marco A. Gu|Lior Kaplan
|tek | | |t |tierrez |
|Benito Gonz|Gael Blonde|Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
|alez |lle | | |
1| 10.00000| 7.00000| 3.00000| 3.00000| 1.00000| 3.00000
| 1.00000| 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 11.00000
| Count of first choices. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates
| will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
2| 10.00000| 7.00000| 3.00000| 3.00000| | 4.00000
| 1.00000| 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 11.00000
| Count after eliminating Marco A. Gutierrez and transferring votes.
| Candidates Marco A. Gutierrez and Benito Gonzalez were tied when
| choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Marco A. Gutierrez was
| chosen by breaking the tie randomly. No candidates have surplus votes
| so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the
| next round.
3| 10.00000| 7.00000| 4.00000| 3.00000| | 4.00000
| | 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 11.00000
| Count after eliminating Benito Gonzalez and transferring votes. No
| candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
| their votes transferred for the next round.
4| 12.00000| 7.00000| 5.00000| | | 4.00000
| | 3.00000| 0.00000| 1.00000| 11.00000
| Count after eliminating George DeMet and transferring votes.
| Candidates George DeMet and Gael Blondelle were tied when choosing
| candidates to eliminate. Candidate George DeMet was chosen by breaking
| the tie randomly. Candidate Pamela Chestek has reached the threshold
| and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be
| transferred for the next round.
5| 11.00000| 7.08333| 5.16666| | | 4.16666
| | 3.58331| 0.00004| 0.00000| 11.00000
| Count after transferring surplus votes from Pamela Chestek with a
| transfer value of 1.00000/12.00000. No candidates have surplus votes
| so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the
| next round.
6| 11.00000| 10.41665| 5.33332| | | 4.24999
| | | 0.00004| 0.00000| 11.00000
| Count after eliminating Gael Blondelle and transferring votes. No
| candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
| their votes transferred for the next round.
7| 11.00000| 12.58331| 7.41665| | |
| | | 0.00004| 1.58331| 11.00000
| Count after eliminating Lior Kaplan and transferring votes. Candidate
| Carlo Piana has reached the threshold and is elected.
Winners are Pamela Chestek and Carlo Piana.
2022 年 OSI 个人理事选举
有 9 位候选人竞选 2 个席位。选民人数为 164 人,有效票数为 164 票,空票数为 0 票。
Counting votes using Scottish STV.
R|Josh Berkus|Jean-Brunel|Kevin P. Fl|Myrle Krant|Rossella Sb|Amanda Broc
| | Webb-Benja|eming |z |lendido |k
| |min | | | |
|Jim Hall |Hilary Rich|Tetsuya Kit|Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
| |ardson |ahata | | |
| | | | | |
1| 37.00000| 6.00000| 14.00000| 16.00000| 13.00000| 37.00000
| 13.00000| 25.00000| 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 55.00000
| Count of first choices. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates
| will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
2| 38.00000| 7.00000| 14.00000| 16.00000| 13.00000| 37.00000
| 14.00000| 25.00000| | 0.00000| 0.00000| 55.00000
| Count after eliminating Tetsuya Kitahata and transferring votes. No
| candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
| their votes transferred for the next round.
3| 39.00000| | 14.00000| 17.00000| 14.00000| 38.00000
| 15.00000| 27.00000| | 0.00000| 0.00000| 55.00000
| Count after eliminating Jean-Brunel Webb-Benjamin and transferring
| votes. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be
| eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
4| 41.00000| | 14.00000| 19.00000| | 45.00000
| 17.00000| 28.00000| | 0.00000| 0.00000| 55.00000
| Count after eliminating Rossella Sblendido and transferring votes.
| Candidates Kevin P. Fleming and Rossella Sblendido were tied when
| choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Rossella Sblendido was
| chosen by breaking the tie at round 2. No candidates have surplus
| votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for
| the next round.
5| 45.00000| | | 20.00000| | 50.00000
| 19.00000| 30.00000| | 0.00000| 0.00000| 55.00000
| Count after eliminating Kevin P. Fleming and transferring votes. No
| candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
| their votes transferred for the next round.
6| 51.00000| | | 24.00000| | 53.00000
| | 36.00000| | 0.00000| 0.00000| 55.00000
| Count after eliminating Jim Hall and transferring votes. No candidates
| have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes
| transferred for the next round.
7| 59.00000| | | | | 63.00000
| | 42.00000| | 0.00000| 12.00000| 55.00000
| Count after eliminating Myrle Krantz and transferring votes.
| Candidates Josh Berkus and Amanda Brock have reached the threshold and
| are elected.
Winners are Josh Berkus and Amanda Brock.