OSI 理事会 2023 年选举结果
投票已结束,结果已出炉。祝贺连任理事 Aeva Black 和 Catharina Maracke,以及新当选理事 Anne-Marie Scott。
Anne-Marie Scott 已获得确认,并将作为附属组织选举产生的理事加入。她将接替 Hong-Phuc Dang 的席位,后者于 2022 年 6 月辞职。Aeva Black 和 Catharina Maracke 获得了个人会员的投票。
OSI 感谢所有参与 2023 年理事会选举的人,他们投了票并向候选人提出了问题。我们还要向所有参选的人表示最诚挚的感谢。我们再次荣幸地迎来了来自开源软件社区的杰出候选人,他们挺身而出,支持 OSI 的工作,并推进 OSI 的使命。2023 年的提名人再次表现出色:他们是来自各个领域和技术的专家,拥有在开源社区工作中获得的各种技能和经验。我们希望整个开源软件社区都加入我们,感谢他们的服务和领导。因为他们的贡献和承诺,我们变得更好,我们感谢他们。
OSI 附属理事选举 2023
有 4 名候选人竞争 1 个席位。选民人数为 35 人,其中有效票 34 张,空票 1 张。
使用苏格兰 STV 计票。
R|Anne-Marie|Gabriele C|Gaël Blond|Matt Jarvi|Exhausted |Surplus |Threshold
| Scott |olumbro |elle |s | | |
1| 12.00000| 9.00000| 10.00000| 3.00000| 0.00000| 0.00000| 18.00000
| Count of first choices. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will
| be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
2| 12.00000| 11.00000| 10.00000| | 1.00000| 0.00000| 18.00000
| Count after eliminating Matt Jarvis and transferring votes. No candidates
| have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes
| transferred for the next round.
3| 15.00000| 15.00000| | | 4.00000| 0.00000| 18.00000
| Count after eliminating Gaël Blondelle and transferring votes. No
| candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their
| votes transferred for the next round.
4| 27.00000| | | | 7.00000| 9.00000| 18.00000
| Count after eliminating Gabriele Columbro and transferring votes.
| Candidates Anne-Marie Scott and Gabriele Columbro were tied when choosing
| candidates to eliminate. Candidate Gabriele Columbro was chosen by breaking
| the tie at round 2. Candidate Anne-Marie Scott has reached the threshold
| and is elected.
获胜者是 Anne-Marie Scott。
OSI 个人理事选举 2023
有 5 名候选人竞争 2 个席位。选民人数为 194 人,其中有效票 192 张,空票 2 张。
使用苏格兰 STV 计票。
R|Aeva Bla|Catharin|Chris An|Duane O’|Jim Jagi|Exhauste|Surplus |Threshol
|ck |a Marack|iszczyk |Brien |elski |d | |d
| |e | | | | | |
1|44.00000|69.00000|30.00000|27.00000|22.00000| 0.00000| 4.00000|65.00000
| Count of first choices. Candidate Catharina Maracke has reached the
| threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus
| votes will be transferred for the next round.
2|45.50722|65.00000|30.63767|28.04346|22.57970| 0.23195| 0.00000|65.00000
| Count after transferring surplus votes from Catharina Maracke with a
| transfer value of 4.00000/69.00000. No candidates have surplus votes
| so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the
| next round.
3|49.62316|65.00000|39.86955|35.21737| | 2.28992| 0.00000|65.00000
| Count after eliminating Jim Jagielski and transferring votes. No
| candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and
| their votes transferred for the next round.
4|69.26083|65.00000|52.33331| | | 5.40586| 4.26083|65.00000
| Count after eliminating Duane O’Brien and transferring votes.
| Candidate Aeva Black has reached the threshold and is elected.
获胜者是 Aeva Black 和 Catharina Maracke。